Full scale survey and assessments of an entire cemetery, identifying every issue with the hardscape, landscape, maintenance and administration that pose either an immediate problem or one in the future.

Detailed comprehensive reports explaining our findings, recommendations, prioritizing the conditions as well as the project in general are provided. Several options are also included.

Individual stones / monuments can also be assessed in the same manner as a cemetery and include the same detailed comprehensive reports.

Summarized presentations of all reports are offered to provide visual explanations of conditions found and recommended treatments.

Conservation, preservation and stabilization services include:

  • Identifying and correcting negative landscape features
  • Reducing and correcting hazards
  • Re-setting, repairing broken stones
  • Chemical treatments such as consolidation as well as cleaning (thorough documentation of all treatments is performed)

Education and training of volunteers. Supervision of volunteers and outside contractors is also provided. Administrative services such as:

  • Management and maintenance assistance
  • Governing guidelines
  • Rules and regulations
  • Mapping
  • Redrafting and updating
  • Directory assistance
  • Plot and burial locating
  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR)
  • Cemetery recreational use and development
  • Disaster planning and emergency preparedness

Financial flexibility and payment options are offered to accommodate your budgets if requested.

We don’t just address the conditions, we also address the cause and we stand behind our work for seven years.